Book Direct with Lexis Hotel Group


Why settle for less when you can enjoy the lowest prices and the best deals from booking directly with Lexis Hotels and Resorts through our official websites! We guarantee to offer you the very best rates available, making your next getaway to our hotels and resorts not just an unforgettable one, but also an amazing value for your money. 

Stretch your vacation spending even further with awesome deals on food and beverages, activities, spa treatments, and other excitement that we have in store for you through our on-site restaurants, bars, bistros, LexSpa and other activity facilities. On top of that, you will also be able to check out and grab the latest promotions that we’ve launched through exclusive tie-ups with both local and international merchants. 

So select your preferred resort now and click on the links below to book your next stay with us!

•    Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson
•    Lexis Suites Penang
•    Grand Lexis Port Dickson
•    Lexis Port Dickson